Dreaming Dog Ruling Pen - Sofie
Boeken & Pennen komt met een nieuwe serie ruling pennen; Dreaming Dog, bekend van Letter Arts Review. 6 verschillende uitvoeringen waaronder Sofie. Met deze pen kunnen traditionele letters gemaakt worden op groter formaat. Plaats de pen echter rechtop en je maakt er expressievere lijnen en letters mee.
Sofie Delicate, soft and precise
Sofie is a broad-edged ruling pen which is delicate, soft and precise. Its tips design is improved by longitudinal folds, which allow the nibs to store more ink in their internal reservoir.
Sofie is 12mm wide and when used conventionally, results in medium-size classic calligraphy, with excellent cover and precision. Varying the gliding inclination you can easily obtain spatters and irregularities which bring expressiveness even to the most traditional hands. Sofie can be used pulling, pushing, spattering and delineating with its precise edges.
Depending on the occasion, the sweet Sofie can be traditional and well behaved, resulting in letters like humanist, italic, and blackletter, but also cheerful and spontaneous, resulting in lines, textures and expressive and unexpected strokes.
The Dreaming Dogs ruling pens are available in six distinct models: Sofie, Aldus, Little Lie, Layla, Leeloo, and Lollipop. Each one has its own particularity, developed based on various features and uses, such as different styles of calligraphy and handling angles. They are sold individually and on a set containing the six models.