Dreaming Dog Ruling Pen - Aldus
Boeken & Pennen komt met een nieuwe serie ruling pennen; Dreaming Dog, bekend van Letter Arts Review. 6 verschillende uitvoeringen waaronder Aldus. Met deze pen kunnen traditionele letters gemaakt worden op groter formaat. Plaats de pen echter rechtop en je maakt er expressievere lijnen en letters mee.
Strong and Outstanding
Aldus never goes unnoticed it’s presence is strong, powerful and outstanding.
The Aldus ruling pen has some similarities with Sofie. Aldus is also a broad-edged ruling pen, but bigger in size, more robust and more intense.
With an even bigger reservoir, Aldus also stores more ink, which can be used in moderated and traditional ways or released quickly in spatters and irregular strokes. All this can be achieved by changing the gliding inclination and using quick movements with different handling angles.
The Dreaming Dogs ruling pens are available in six distinct models: Sofie, Aldus, Little Lie, Layla, Leeloo, and Lollipop. Each one has its own particularity, developed based on various features and uses, such as different styles of calligraphy and handling angles. They are sold individually and on a set containing the six models.